Your last step ... on The Outback
A short exchange from the movie The Outback, a.k.a "Koala Kid" cauught my attention the other day.
While crossing the Bungle Bungles, one of the characters warns the entourage:
Watch your step in the Bungle Bungles - it may be your last.
The Portuguese subtitle read:
Cuidado onde pisam no Bungle Bungles. Pode ser sua última vez.
The translation of "your last" as "sua última vez" at first may seem awkward, since the original idea is that it would be their last step, not their last time, as the Portuguese phrase expresses (sua última vez).
But maybe it could have been a reduced clause in Portuguese:
"Pode ser a última vez que pisa".
The problem with this proposition is that with the use of possessive "sua" (your) instead of the definite article "a" (the) reduces the plausibility of the translation. So, in a best case scenario, if I had to translate that I would have written:
"Cuidado onde pisam no Bungle Bungles. A próxima pisada pode ser fatal."
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